The Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail is a mixer of routes connection natural sites and facilities of the geological consequences. The Glacial Lake Missoula flood occurred in about 18,000 to 15,000 years ago. The sites that about of this trail is in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana. Temporary lakes as Lake Lewis in Washington, and Lake Condon and Lake Allison in Oregon. The evidence for these temporary lakes as seen in the rafted erratics and in the deposits of the Touchet Formation. Erosion features such as Wallula Gap and to Horse Heaven Hills in southern Washington, the Columbia River Gorge on the border between Oregon and Washington.
I got this stamp at Multnomah Falls. Where you can see a beautiful waterfall. It is long the way to the Pacific Ocean.
Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail (U.S. National Park Service) (
“Ice Age Floods of Change”